LB_Violet LB_Flavia

In an era where almost anything goes and self-promotion is the order of the day, it’s no wonder that fashion inspires and is devoured by the “cyber-egos” who are competing for the best outfits or most innovative looks of this class.

These anonymous models, at the same time kings of street style, come to the fore in blogs, tumblers and others news from 2.0 era, just like platforms created for the same purpose as in the case of the famous web:

Although the American Apparel brand has for a long time been advertising with “real models”, (ie stylish street girls), lookbook now confirms this fashion, where only a few hundreds to thousands of outfits, beauty and photographs, rise to fame. Here are some examples:

Luanna Perez: born in Peru, living in NY. You’ll recognize her by her reddish hair multi-coloured grunge style and many pictures avoiding eye contact with the camera. You can follow her blog in

Rachel-Marie Iwanyszyn: with a look and hair similar to Zooey Deschanel, this girl from Brooklyn combines black hats with naive garments. Visit her site at

Emily Olivia: twentysomething English girl with porcelain skin, an expert in schoolgirl looks with a touch of the esoteric and mystical in both her photos and her way of posing.

Flavia Desgranges: a glamorous Brazilian girl in miniskirt outfits ranging from the most sophisticated to the most rocker. Take a look at her blog:

And finally one of my favourites, Violet Ell: a photographer of a mysterious origin and residence. She defines her style as goth garage and she gets most of her clothes from charity shops, second hand or directly given to her.

Needless to say that many of the snapshots of these muses are in the imaginary of the biggest companies, or currently serve as an inspiration to young and old designers. Definitely, they are a great reference for the network users, who nowadays feel more identified with the real spirit of the street than with what a catwalk can offer.