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The most recent proposal by the Alice Gallery, Lost in Space, was a cooperative exposition with prominent artists such as the Spanish Sixe Paredes (participant in the 6th anniversary of the SC Gallery in Bilbao) and the Canadian Mike Swaney, a resident artist of the gallery who was interviewed in the 9th issue of Flic.

Lost in Space, rather than proposing a concrete artistic itinerary, only sought to create a bond between piece of work and the spectator, by means of pure observation, without showing connections between the compositions of the artists. That’s why it is Lost in Space, because every single displayed work manifested itself in a singular way.

Other artists such as Neal Beggs, Gauthier Leroy, RAL Neil Farber & Michael Dumontier, Hugues Reip, Fabrice Domercq and Atelier Pica Pica will also took part of the exhibition.