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The photographer Asger Carlsen started by publishing images in newspapers until he went on to distort faces, giving them multiples eyes. In this way, he ended with a very ironic and macabre style. As Carlesn himself has said, he looks for shapes that, apart from being bizarre, want to reach a balance, shoulder against shoulder, female legs which support the height of malformed bodies or squirm figures, in which it is very complicated to find something modern.

The figures, according to Carlsen, are formed by different bodies and he counts on a precise light and the angle of the photo, making the surreal real.

V1 Gallery was founded in 2002 in Copenhagen and has hosted some important artists such as Sheperd Fairey and HuskMitNavn. Its function is essentially to promote emerging artists and connect them with the art world.

At the same time as the individual exhibition Hester by Asger Carlsen, there is also a collective exhibition Hindsight until February the 15th.