On the 6th of June 1944, known as the “D-day”, the Allies started the landing of an army of over 150.000 soldiers (73.000 Americans and 83.000 British and Canadians) on the beaches of Normandy. It was 70 years ago.

With the operation known as “Operation Overlord”, the Allied invasion of France had started. Commanded by General Eisenhower, the Allied troops overcame the defences organized by the German Marshal Rommel.

The British-American air supremacy was a key point to the success of the operation. The allied planes destroyed most of the bridges over the Senna and the Loire, preventing the Germans from sending reinforcements to Normandy. Added to that was the Germans’ difficulty covering a coast of 4800 kilometres between the Spanish frontier and Holland and the continuous  disputes and contradictions in the German military command about where the landing would happen and how they would face it.

The success of the landing allowed the quick advance of the Allied troops towards the heart of France. The landing was one of the key elements in the defeat of the Third Reich.

Through these portraits the photographer Jaime Pulido intends to transmit us the feelings of those Heroes of the History.

2_JAIMEPULIDO.COM-Oficial (Comandante) de Infantería Británico. (PGM ) 3_JAIMEPULIDO.COM-Oficial del Ejército Polaco (Coronel ) 4_JAIMEPULIDO.COM-Suboficial de la Schutzpolizei (Schupo) 5_JAIMEPULIDO.COM-Tanquistas con monos y Tanque Sherman 6_JAIMEPULIDO.COM-Unteroffizier ,del Regimiento Paracaidista de la Luftwaffe-1 7_JAIMEPULIDO.COM-Soldado Alemán Waffen-SS 8_JAIMEPULIDO.COM-Soldado Escocés con bonete Balmoral 9_JAIMEPULIDO.COM-Paracaidista Norteamericano de Filthy Thirteen 10_JAIMEPULIDO.COM-Oficial de la R.A.F. (Group Captain) 11_JAIMEPULIDO.COM-Soldado del Regimiento Paracaidista Inglés