Author Archive
Collaborative Consumption

Collaborative Consumption

It is 2014 and cars do not fly. Skateboards do not fly either; lights do not light up with our voice in almost any home, and we are definitely far from inhabiting other planets. The image of the future we who grew up without the Internet had for the new millennium does not look like...
Children who don’t go to school

Children who don’t go to school

An ephemeral analysis of the evolution of modern education. I remember the school as a source of stories and gratifying experiences, friends, and teachers; however, I also remember that I hated getting up early in the morning. I hated school, I didn’t want to go. I remember that, being elderly, I remember that I hated...
The little you know about Chile

The little you know about Chile

We could start this short note asking where Chile is, and we know that in some latitudes someone could put his finger in the wrong place of the map. However, we are going to pretend that everybody knows that Chile is Chile, that it is in South America, that it runs along the coast of...
Car or bicycle? Both. The original project by LOLA Madrid.

Car or bicycle? Both. The original project by LOLA Madrid.

The time is productive to the creative department of Lola Madrid agency. And it is when you spend the day thinking about people’s needs and ways to approach solutions that a thousand ideas arise that have nothing to do with the particular request of the customer. That is how Bicycled Bikes came about, a project...
Dove Real Beauty Sketches

Dove Real Beauty Sketches

For the last few years Dove, one of the world’s most famous beauty brands, has established its advertising campaign on the concept of Real Beauty. Dove’s strategy gives a primary importance to women’s potential, highlighting what makes a woman beautiful and focusing on self-esteem as the pillar on which beauty is based. After several very...
Urban tribes or Marketing strategies?

Urban tribes or Marketing strategies?

The concept of urban tribes is present enough in our everyday lives to describe it one more time. They are around us and we interact with them every day, which has gradually made the society begin to understand their dynamic and accept their existence. That of accepting their existence, although this sounds intolerant, is a...
Velering! Three men, a small sailboat and a round planet.

Velering! Three men, a small sailboat and a round planet.

An amazing adventure documented by the protagonists themselves through social networks and Vimeo channel. Starting from Australia, they decide to go around the world in a small boat that they bought and conditioned with their own hands. A story that mixes passion, adventure and danger with hilarity and delirium. Are you ready to travel?  ...
The rebirth of furniture

The rebirth of furniture

The term vintage comes from the old French vendage, a term used by wine merchants in the past to talk about the wine produced with the best harvests. A long time after, the meaning of the expression has been extended to any antique product of quality, thus creating a market of refined items in a...
A guide for having a logo tattooed.

A guide for having a logo tattooed.

Camping outside a new Apple store the night before it opens, wearing only Nike, dressing up a car in a Red Bull outfit. The universal language of love also includes brands. Consumerism has led to instances in which the brand-consumer relationship reaches high points of fanaticism. But perhaps nothing compares with perpetuating the name of...
Interview with Brandstory

Interview with Brandstory

Claudio Seguel is the Director of Brandstory, the brand new Chilean organization that carries out the training based on a new look, more human and deeper, about brands and their coexistence with the market. “We are looking to tell more stories and less PowerPoints” – he explains. And it has been years since Marketing, with...
It wasn't Eva's fault

It wasn’t Eva’s fault

* – Adam, I think I’m pregnant… – Are you sure it’s mine? Stress, corruption, violence, diseases, natural disasters, absurd accidents… Adam, and specially his wife, have always carried the blame for our entanglements, betraying God’s trust and confining us to this pseudo-hell pre-paradise. And beyond the metaphor, whatever Eva’s transgression may be, the oldest legend...
100 World Kisses: kisses around the world.

100 World Kisses: kisses around the world.

If there is something that globalization gives us every day, it is to be able to share from any corner of the world what we are, what we are thinking and doing. Ignacio Lehman is an unknown young man who one day had an idea, initiative and great enthusiasm to carry out this project of...